Dear friends,
This is the first time that I am posting words instead of images to up date you on my creative journey. While I do have many new pieces since my last posting, I am working on taking quality photos of them. Images of my latest work will be ready and posted no later than the end of May.
The reason for this particular post is to announce that I am starting new project in May that will include my music!!!!! I am calling it the PORTLAND BUSKING PROJECT (PBP). As many of you may already know I am not just a painter, I also write and preform song with my acoustic guitar. While focusing on my visual art I have neglected my music and have yet to perform any music in my new home town. Now the hunger to play in front of an audience is growing in me and so the PBP (Portland busking project) is born. Here in Portland there is a lot of busking going on, especially as the weather changes from rainy grey winter to clear blue summer. In May I will join the ranks of Portland's divers busking community and will chronicle my experience with a new blog, complete with photos, video, interviews with fellow buskers and a chart mapping my tips. The purpose of the chart is in keeping with the experimental nature of the project as I hope to implore creative devices to see if they effect my buskers income. With this project I am hoping to bridge the gap between my visual art and musical expression by blending elements of performance art, song, and multi media. There will be more info on the PBP in mid May, including the launch of the PBP blog. I hope to see you there!!!
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